With the hustle of travel, making business meetings count is more crucial than ever. We’ve gathered insights from CEOs and founders to offer you fifteen specific tips for enhancing productivity on the go. From the importance of incorporating short breaks to meticulously planning with technology, discover how to transform your traveling meetings into sessions of efficiency.

  • Incorporate Short Breaks
  • Prepare and Prioritize Agenda
  • Use Collaborative Pre-Meeting Tools
  • Rotate Meeting Facilitation Roles
  • Craft a Focused Agenda
  • Allocate Roles via Project Management
  • Engage in Pre-Meeting Overview
  • Distribute Pre-Meeting Briefs
  • Print Out Materials and Grab Snacks
  • Choose Work-Friendly Travel Options
  • Prep Notes for Yourself Beforehand
  • Utilize Travel Downtime Wisely
  • Carry a Compact Notebook and Pen
  • Schedule for Optimal Time Zones
  • Plan Meticulously with Technology

Incorporate Short Breaks

Over the years, I’ve attended my fair share of business meetings while traveling. It can be tricky trying to stay focused and engaged when you’re out of your normal routine and in an unfamiliar setting.

The one tip I always recommend is to build in small breaks throughout the day—step outside for some fresh air, take a quick walk, or just stand up and stretch. Having those little mental resets helps you stay sharp and attentive, rather than getting burnt out sitting in a conference room all day. Short breaks let you digest what you’ve heard, clear your head, and refocus when it’s time to dive back in. They make a huge difference in keeping your energy and concentration levels up. Don’t underestimate the power of giving your brain a chance to recharge!

Mac SteerMac Steer
Owner and Director, Simify

Prepare and Prioritize Agenda

Plan carefully by going over agendas, paperwork, and pertinent items before leaving for business meetings. Determine the main issues of discussion and rank the subjects according to their significance and applicability to the meeting’s goals. Simplify the agenda to highlight the most important topics and make the most of the meeting’s time.

Even with the difficulties of travel, you can contribute successfully, make wise decisions, and influence outcomes by coming prepared and giving talks top priority. With this strategy, productivity is increased, distractions are reduced, and crucial time spent traveling for meetings is turned into productive outcomes for the company.

Axel HernborgAxel Hernborg
Founder and CEO, Tripplo

Use Collaborative Pre-Meeting Tools

One specific tip for making business meetings more productive when traveling is to leverage technology for effective pre-meeting preparation. Utilize collaborative tools like Google Docs or Trello to create a shared agenda that all participants can contribute to before the meeting. This approach ensures that everyone comes prepared with their updates, questions, and discussion points, significantly reducing wasted time and increasing focus during the actual meeting.

Furthermore, it fosters a sense of ownership and engagement among participants, as they have a direct role in shaping the meeting’s content and objectives, leading to more efficient discussions, even when on the move.

Omer LewinsohnOmer Lewinsohn
General Manager, Marketing Expert, Management.org

Rotate Meeting Facilitation Roles

If you are traveling and have a business meeting scheduled on the road, it’s probably one of your worst-case scenarios. From the ambient noise keeping your voice submerged in the crowd to poor network, a lot can go south. Fortunately, you have the “Rotation Rendezvous” strategy that can improve your productivity tenfold even while you are traveling.

Here, instead of sticking to conventional meeting formalities, where one person typically leads the discussion, the Rotation Rendezvous shakes things up. You can start by assigning a facilitator for each meeting segment and rotate roles throughout the meeting. For instance, one person could lead the introduction and agenda overview, then another could guide the brainstorming session, followed by someone else leading the decision-making phase, and so on. This rotation doesn’t just keep everyone engaged; it also ensures a fresh perspective at every stage and a cover when one person gets disconnected due to poor network or any other issue.

Ritika MurkyaRitika Murkya
Executive Assistant, eResource Scheduler

Craft a Focused Agenda

I’ve found one particularly transformative tip for making business meetings more productive while on the move: adopting a focused agenda. Before a meeting, especially when traveling, we ensure a meticulously crafted agenda is in place, pinpointing exactly what needs to be discussed, decided, and delegated. This strategy isn’t just about efficiency; it’s about respecting everyone’s time and energy, making each moment count.

A personal revelation came during a whirlwind business trip across multiple cities. In one meeting, armed with a laser-focused agenda, we accomplished what typically would have taken twice the time. The key was not just listing topics but defining clear objectives for each item, making it easier for everyone to come prepared and stay on track. This approach didn’t just streamline our meetings; it maximized our productivity and effectiveness, turning potential travel fatigue into a series of successful engagements. In the world of relentless travel schedules and back-to-back meetings, a focused agenda is a compass that ensures we’re not just moving but moving forward.

Vaibhav KakkarVaibhav Kakkar
CEO, Digital Web Solutions

Allocate Roles via Project Management

From my experience in customer service and running OneStop Northwest LLC, I’ve found that making the most of modern project management tools can revolutionize business meetings, especially when traveling. One specific tip that has consistently improved productivity in this context is the pre-meeting allocation of roles and responsibilities through a project management platform. This strategy streamlines meetings by ensuring that every participant knows their role before the meeting commences, reducing redundancy and enhancing focus.

For example, ahead of a crucial strategy meeting in Seattle, we used our project management tool to assign specific discussion points to different team members, aligning with their areas of expertise. This not only allowed the team to prepare more effectively but also facilitated a more dynamic and productive meeting, as discussions were led by the most knowledgeable individuals on each topic. The tool also enabled us to document decisions in real-time, making it easier to reference them afterward and implement action items efficiently.

Moreover, integrating these tools with our existing CRM and communication systems played a critical role. By ensuring all relevant data was accessible in one place, we could make data-driven decisions more swiftly, supporting our goal of streamlining operations. This combination of pre-meeting preparation and technology utilization is something any team can adopt, dramatically enhancing the productivity of business meetings, regardless of where they take place.

Dylan CleppeDylan Cleppe
Co-Founder & CEO, OneStop Northwest LLC

Engage in Pre-Meeting Overview

One good tip for making meetings work better when you’re traveling is to always take a bit of time for a quick chat before the main meeting starts. Just spend a few minutes going over what the meeting is about and what you hope to achieve. This easy step helps everyone stay focused on the important stuff and makes sure the meeting doesn’t wander off-topic.

Doing this has changed our travel meetings from being kind of all over the place to really productive times where we make every moment count. It’s like giving everyone a map before you go on a trip; it makes sure you’re all going the same way.

Adding this little chat before the meeting helps everyone use their time better and shows you respect their time too. It’s a simple thing, but it’s really made our meetings more useful and effective.

Swena KalraSwena Kalra
Chief Marketing Officer, Scott & Yanling Media Inc.

Distribute Pre-Meeting Briefs

One effective tip I’ve found for enhancing the productivity of business meetings while traveling is the integration of pre-meeting briefs. By distributing a concise, well-structured brief to all participants a day before the meeting, it sets a clear agenda, outlines key discussion points, and identifies specific objectives.

This practice ensures that all attendees are on the same page right from the start, significantly reducing the need for catch-up and allowing for more focused discussions. It’s a simple yet impactful way to maximize the efficiency of meetings, especially when operating across different time zones and schedules.

Rick ElmoreRick Elmore
CEO, Simply Noted

Print Out Materials and Grab Snacks

Thoroughly reviewing your agenda, topics, and documents ahead of time prevents feeling scattered once at the meeting. This keeps you engaged in talks without distractions. It also shows respect for others’ time.

Print extra copies of materials in case of Wi-Fi issues that could disrupt accessing digital files while away from home base. Packing some healthy snacks ensures you have energy through longer negotiations away from typical meals.

Being fully prepared allows full attention to focus on discussions rather than last-minute planning. Thanks to upfront readiness, distractions diminish and meetings progress efficiently even from remote locations. Small planning details support successfully engaging clients during travel for off-site business.

Lyle SolomonLyle Solomon
Principal Attorney, Oak View Law Group

Choose Work-Friendly Travel Options

One key tip I can give is to select your mode of transportation and accommodation carefully. Choose a work-friendly mode of transportation, such as trains or flights with Wi-Fi access. This will allow you to utilize travel time efficiently by catching up on emails or preparing for meetings.

At the same time, pick accommodations with designated workspaces and reliable internet connectivity. This will improve your ability to stay focused and productive even when you’re in a completely different place. By prioritizing these aspects, you create an environment conducive to successful business meetings, ensuring that you make the most out of your travel time.

Johannes LarssonJohannes Larsson
Founder and CEO, JohannesLarsson.com

Prep Notes for Yourself Beforehand

One golden nugget I’ve learned over the years is to always have a clear agenda before stepping into any meeting, especially when you’re on the road. It’s easy to get sidetracked or lose focus when you’re in a new environment or dealing with jet lag.

So, take a few minutes before the meeting to jot down the main points you want to cover and prioritize them. This not only keeps everyone on track but also ensures that you make the most out of the limited time you have. Plus, it shows respect for everyone’s time and keeps the discussion moving forward in a productive direction. Trust me, a little prep work can go a long way in turning those travel meetings into fruitful opportunities.

Jon MorganJon Morgan
CEO, Venture Smarter

Utilize Travel Downtime Wisely

Use downtime wisely when traveling for business meetings. Make a list of things you can do while on the go, such as reading through documents while flying or writing emails while traveling.

Reduce wait times by reading up on recent developments in the field or being ready for upcoming talks. Making the most of your travel time can help you arrive at meetings more stress-free and prepared, which will boost productivity.

Perry ZhengPerry Zheng
Founder and CEO, Pallas

Carry a Compact Notebook and Pen

When traveling for business meetings, I always carry a compact notebook and a good-quality pen with me. Instead of scrolling through my phone or catching up on emails during transit or downtime, I jot down thoughts, ideas, and action points for the upcoming meetings. This helps me declutter my mind and organize my thoughts effectively.

Plus, having handwritten notes allows me to retain information better and stay focused during the actual meetings. It’s a simple yet powerful technique that has significantly boosted my productivity and effectiveness in business meetings while on the go. Give it a try next time you’re traveling for work!

Sahil KakkarSahil Kakkar
CEO & Founder, RankWatch

Schedule for Optimal Time Zones

Optimize scheduling to accommodate different time zones and personal productivity rhythms. When planning meetings that involve travel or participants from various locations, consider the time zones of all attendees and try to find a timing that suits everyone.

By scheduling meetings during these optimal times, you can ensure that all participants are at their most alert and engaged. This careful consideration in planning can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your meetings, making them more productive and ensuring that key decisions and discussions occur when everyone is most mentally sharp and focused.

Alex TaylorAlex Taylor
Head of Marketing, SEO Specialists, CrownTV

Plan Meticulously with Technology

As a frequent traveler for business meetings, one key tip I always emphasize is meticulous planning.

Before setting foot on the plane, ensure all necessary documents, presentations, and materials are organized digitally. Utilize cloud-based solutions for seamless access. Additionally, synchronize schedules to optimize time efficiency. Preparing an agenda with clear objectives fosters focused discussions and prevents tangents. Lastly, leverage technology for virtual attendance when physical presence isn’t mandatory, reducing travel fatigue.

By prioritizing preparation and technology, meetings become streamlined, maximizing productivity regardless of location.

Robin LuoRobin Luo
Founder, ICRFQ

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